DDP – Set up the Autostart on Windows

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Here are the instructions on how to automatically start your browser with the DDP player.

Material list

1x Windows Computer
Tested with Win10

1x USB-Stick
We only store a small text file here. So it almost doesn’t matter what size you take

Google Chrome – Download
Visit google.com

nircmd – Download

DDP AutoStartSetUp – nircmd (172 downloads )

Visit nirsoft.net

bat-File – Download

DDP AutoStartSetUp – DDP-Chrome-Autostart.bat (175 downloads )

by timofischerprojects.com


DDP AutoStartSetUp - autostart-webseite.txt (Template) (106 downloads )

by timofischerprojects.com

How-To Guide

  1. Generally allow AutoPlay of videos in your webbrowser

    How-To Guide

  2. Download chrome browser

  3. Install chrome browser

  4. Download nircmd, the bat-file and the txt-file

  5. Install nircmd

  6. Press Win + R

  7. Enter “shell:startup”

  8. Copy the bat-file to the startup folder

  9. Copy the txt-file to the root folder of your USB-Stick

  10. Optional: Change URL in txt-file

    The default setting is https://dd-player.com. However, you can also store an AutoLogIn code or a website of your choice here.

  11. Reboot your PC. If everything is set up correctly, Chrome should open automatically with the corresponding page

How-To Video

Comming soon

Tips and Tricks

What is the best way to place my projector?

You can screw many of the small projectors onto a tripod for cameras. This makes the alignment easier. Of course, you can also use a table or shelf.


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