Boil and Bubble – Video – AtmosFX

Manufacturer AtmosFX Inc.
Language English
Other languages n/A
Release date 2024
Duration 00:05:31
Resolution/Fileformat 1920×1080 / .mp4
Price $19
Price per minute $3.44
Alignment Horizontal
Available projection types Hollusion
Prop – Head
Theme tags Halloween

Manufacturer description

It is best not to interrupt this old hag as she concocts her witches brew – or you might be the next ingredient in her cauldron! Of course, as visitors to your Halloween home will tell you, it is near impossible not to look as this mercurial witch works her strange magic. As part of ‘Boil and Bubble,’ decorators have the option to showcase this witch as a single sorceress, or as a coven where three witches cast their spells and engage trick-or-treaters who approach your doorstep. Perfect for display on either one or three 3DFX Forms, this decoration also features 3DFX Head Mode, which allows decorators to place a digital face on a witch they create! You can also create spellbinding displays on windows, walls, TVs and monitors, as well as Hollusion Projection Material!

Customer application images

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Will be delivered in the following files

Witches_BoilandBubble_Solo_Win_V.mp4 (398.3MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Solo_Holl_V.mp4 (398.44MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Trio_Head_H.mp4 (407.28MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Solo_Head_H.mp4 (398.25MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Trio_3DFX_H.mp4 (407.1MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Solo_3DFX_V.mp4 (398.23MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Solo_3DFX_H.mp4 (398.27MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Trio_Win_H.mp4 (408.14MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Solo_Win_H.mp4 (398.65MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Trio_Holl_H.mp4 (408.27MB)
Witches_BoilandBubble_Solo_Holl_H.mp4 (398.78MB)

Includ in the following Sets

Season of the Witch: More Witches
from AtmosFX Inc.

Price (total): $29
Price (per min): $3.07
Duration: 00:09:26

The trio of cackling hags return, casting spells and concocting potions that will leave you spellbound.

Related videos

All the sets shown here here also have the tags: Halloween, Witches

Witching Hour
from AtmosFX Inc.

Price (total): Can’t be purchased
Price (per min): n/A
Duration: 00:02:13

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Price (total): Can’t be purchased
Price (per min): n/A
Duration: 00:01:22

Broomstick Ride
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Price (total): Can’t be purchased
Price (per min): n/A
Duration: 00:01:22

Rocking Hag
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Price (total): Can’t be purchased
Price (per min): n/A
Duration: 00:03:23


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