Vampire Wallbreaker – HallowFX

Home » Wiki » Manufacturer of Digital Decorations » HallowFX » Vampire Wallbreaker

Manufacturer HallowFX
Language NonVerbal
Other languages n/A
Release date Unkown
Duration n/A
Price $9.99
Price per minute $n/A
Number of scenes 1 Total
  • 1 Other
Available projection types
Theme tags Halloween

Manufacturer description

This fun digital decoration gives the illusion of a classic vampire emerging from your wall. This comes with two formats – a grey background so it merges into your existing wall color or a poster format for projection.

Customer application images

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Contains the following scenes

Vampire Wallbreaker

Duration: n/A
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Vampire Wallbreaker

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