Manufacturer description
Don’t Open!! Zombies are inside and trying to get out. This virtual door can be projected onto any hard surface to create your very own zombie invasion. This digital decoration loops so the undead will try to get through the door all evening.
Customer application images
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Contains the following scenes
Zombie Double Doors
Duration: n/A
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Zombie Double Doors
Related sets
All the sets shown here here also have the tags: Halloween, Zombies
Zombie Invasion!
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Price (total): $25
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Duration: 00:07:03
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Zombie Baseball
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Price (per min): $n/A
Duration: n/A
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Zombie Chiller Dance
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Price (total): $9
Price (per min): $4.58
Duration: 00:01:58
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Animondy Projections
Price (total): $3
Price (per min): $2.77
Duration: 00:01:05
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