
Your Shows

Connect player: When you open the website https://dd-player.com you will see a login code. Select 'Connect player' for the corresponding player in this dashboard and enter the login code. The website should then start the corresponding player within the next 30 seconds.
AutoLogIn-Link: For people who want to start the player directly, can skip the login code with the AutoLogIn link. Simply open the website via the link and off you go!

Tip: Open or switch with the website always in full screen mode!

Active shows

Your shows

Stream contingent

By playing the show, your videos are automatically streamed to the respective windows, incurring operating costs on the server. By using the code TESTPHASE10, you’ll receive a one-time offer of ten free trial hours. After that, you can purchase additional hours as needed.

The current show is billed per player in 20 second increments. So if you plan a four-hour show on one window, you will need four hours of streaming contigent. For two windows eight hours, six windows 24 hours and so on.

Your remaining stream contingent


Insert code for new contigent here:

Stream Contingent Calculator

Required Stream Contingent

2 Window(s) X 5 h X 1 Day(s) =


ContigentPrice*Purchase links
Switch to
Switch to
Switch to
Switch to
*Prices at digistore24 including 19% VAT

Media Pool

Here you can see which files you can unlock, and which are already unlocked for your shows.

Your media


Contact Support

If you need assistance, or wish to provide feedback on the project, please feel free to send me a quick email. If you require help with a specific show, kindly include the ID associated with it. Thank you very much!