Tarantulas – AtmosFX

Bearing eight legs with which to hold you, the only thing more frightening than a tarantula is a whole swarm of tarantulas! This cluster of critters is certain to spook even the bravest of Halloween lovers. Project them on your walls or play them on your TV, these realistic pests skitter, slither, scurry and swarm from corners, holes and cracks.

Manufacturer AtmosFX Inc.
Language NonVerbal
Other languages n/A
Release date Unkown
Duration 00:02:46
Resolution/Fileformat 1920×1080 / .mp4
Price $6
Price per minute $2.17
Number of scenes 3 Total
  • 3 Other
Alignment Horizontal
Available projection types TV/Monitor
Theme tags Atmospheric

Price history

Last 365 Days from AtmosFX Inc. – Tarantulas

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Manufacturer description

Bearing eight legs with which to hold you, the only thing more frightening than a tarantula is a whole swarm of tarantulas! This cluster of critters is certain to spook even the bravest of Halloween lovers. Project them on your walls or play them on your TV, these realistic pests skitter, slither, scurry and swarm from corners, holes and cracks.

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Contains the following scenes

Tarantulas Creeping

Duration: 00:00:51
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Creepy Crawlies 2, Tarantulas

Tarantulas Hole

Duration: 00:00:51
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Creepy Crawlies 2, Tarantulas

Tarantulas Swarm

Duration: 00:01:04
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Creepy Crawlies 2, Tarantulas

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