Paranormal Passage – AtmosFX

Who is pounding on the wall?! Have the spirits of the underworld discovered a portal into the earthly plane – at your home!? The Paranormal Passage Digital Decoration Collection includes three poltergeist-packed individual scenes perfect for projection on walls, ceilings and other surfaces. This Halloween, see how fragile the barrier between the paranormal and our world can be.

Manufacturer AtmosFX Inc.
Language NonVerbal
Other languages n/A
Release date Unkown
Duration 00:06:11
Resolution/Fileformat 1920×1080 / .mp4
Price $29
Price per minute $4.69
Number of scenes 4 Total
  • 4 Other
Alignment Horizontal
Available projection types Wall
Theme tags Halloween

Price history

Last 365 Days from AtmosFX Inc. – Paranormal Passage

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Manufacturer description

Who is pounding on the wall?! Have the spirits of the underworld discovered a portal into the earthly plane – at your home!? The Paranormal Passage Digital Decoration Collection includes three poltergeist-packed individual scenes perfect for projection on walls, ceilings and other surfaces. This Halloween, see how fragile the barrier between the paranormal and our world can be.

Customer application images

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Contains the following scenes

Spectral Surfaces

Duration: 00:02:22
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Paranormal Passage, Spectral Surfaces

Startle Scares

Duration: 00:00:25
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Paranormal Passage, Spectral Surfaces

Facade of Fright

Duration: 00:01:54
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Paranormal Passage, Facade of Fright

Possessed Portrait

Duration: 00:01:30
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Paranormal Passage, Possessed Portrait

Included SubSets

Facade of Fright
from AtmosFX Inc.

Price (total): $12
Price (per min): $6.32
Duration: 00:01:54

Is this gruesome gallery a portal for evil? A wicked spirit certainly seems to have possessed the portraits.

Save 10% with the code TIMOFISCHER¹

Possessed Portrait
from AtmosFX Inc.

Price (total): $12
Price (per min): $8
Duration: 00:01:30

It’s not just your sanity that’s cracking, your wall is too!

Save 10% with the code TIMOFISCHER¹

Spectral Surfaces
from AtmosFX Inc.

Price (total): $12
Price (per min): $4.31
Duration: 00:02:47

An otherworldly combination of faces and hands push the limits of our dimension.

Save 10% with the code TIMOFISCHER¹

Related sets

All the sets shown here here also have the tags: Halloween, Monsters, Skeletons

Paranormal Passage
from AtmosFX Inc.

Price (total): $29
Price (per min): $4.69
Duration: 00:06:11

Three poltergeists have discovered a portal from the underworld into this earthly realm at your home!

Save 10% with the code TIMOFISCHER¹

Spectral Surfaces
from AtmosFX Inc.

Price (total): $12
Price (per min): $4.31
Duration: 00:02:47

An otherworldly combination of faces and hands push the limits of our dimension.

Save 10% with the code TIMOFISCHER¹

Halloween Doorway
from HallowFX

Price (total): $4.99
Price (per min): $n/A
Duration: n/A

You never know who might answer the door this Halloween!!

Grave Climbers
from Animondy Projections

Price (total): $3
Price (per min): $1.94
Duration: 00:01:33

With this animation projection you can bring these zombies to life. Project onto a wall or garage, or if your feeling creative your own tombstones.


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