Ghostly Mansion – Video – AtmosFX

Manufacturer AtmosFX Inc.
Language NonVerbal
Other languages n/A
Release date 2023
Duration 00:08:56
Resolution/Fileformat 1920×1080 / .mp4
Price $19
Price per minute $2.13
Alignment Horizontal
Available projection types Disc
Theme tags Ghosts

Manufacturer description

Do you dare enter the haunted house at the end of the lane? This decrepit property is crawling with restless ghosts – who have no intention of being hospitable hosts! The Ghostly Mansion decoration will transport your trick-or-treaters to a harrowing homestead packed with paranormal activity, giving them the fright of their lives. Project the scares this Halloween onto windows and walls, or create a mesmerizing moving portrait with the AtmosFX Decorating Disc XL or any TV display.

Customer application images

You have some great photos of this set, which you would like to make available to us? Then simply send them to us by mail! Thank you very much for your support!

Will be delivered in the following files

Ghostly Mansion_Wall_Right_V.mp4 (914.61MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Win_Right_V.mp4 (914.54MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Win_Right_H.mp4 (914.56MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Wall_Left_V.mp4 (914.61MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Win_Left_V.mp4 (914.6MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Win_Left_H.mp4 (914.56MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Wall_H.mp4 (914.65MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Disc.mp4 (914.62MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Wall_Center_V.mp4 (914.39MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Win_Center_H.mp4 (914.53MB)
Ghostly Mansion_Win_Center_V.mp4 (914.41MB)

Includ in the following Sets

Ghostly Mansion
from AtmosFX Inc.

Price (total): $19
Price (per min): $2.13
Duration: 00:08:56

Do you dare enter the haunted house at the end of the lane, crawling with restless ghosts?

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