Creatures of the Night – AtmosFX

Exhilarated by the glowing lunar light, three nocturnal creatures gather before the glowing moon. A wolf howls, bats congregate, and a solitary witch races through the chilly evening air, cackling in the night sky. This is part of the Halloween Moon Digital Decoration Collection, six dynamic projections that shine a bright light on the many creatures that make their home in the moonlight.

Manufacturer AtmosFX Inc.
Language NonVerbal
Other languages n/A
Release date Unkown
Duration 00:01:20
Resolution/Fileformat 1920×1080 / .mp4
Price $7
Price per minute $5.25
Number of scenes 1 Total
  • 1 Other
Alignment Horizontal
Available projection types PropPumpkin
Theme tags Atmospheric

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Last 365 Days from AtmosFX Inc. – Creatures of the Night

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Manufacturer description

Exhilarated by the glowing lunar light, three nocturnal creatures gather before the glowing moon. A wolf howls, bats congregate, and a solitary witch races through the chilly evening air, cackling in the night sky. This is part of the Halloween Moon Digital Decoration Collection, six dynamic projections that shine a bright light on the many creatures that make their home in the moonlight.

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Contains the following scenes

Creatures of the Night

Duration: 00:01:20
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Halloween Moon, Creatures of the Night

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