Raging Inferno – AtmosFX

A raging inferno appears to consume everything in its path, with flaming debris dropping from above and sizzling embers popping at the viewer. This blistering digital effect is just one of four unique fires that make up the Inferno Digital Decoration Collection. Perfect for projection mapping, Halloween parties, and in combination with other digital decorations, this Inferno burns with multiple intensities and colors.

Manufacturer AtmosFX Inc.
Language NonVerbal
Other languages n/A
Release date Unkown
Duration 00:04:13
Resolution/Fileformat 1920×1080 / .mp4
Price $12
Price per minute $2.85
Number of scenes 2 Total
  • 2 Other
Alignment Horizontal
Available projection types Hollusion
Theme tags Atmospheric

Price history

Last 365 Days from AtmosFX Inc. – Raging Inferno

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Manufacturer description

A raging inferno appears to consume everything in its path, with flaming debris dropping from above and sizzling embers popping at the viewer. This blistering digital effect is just one of four unique fires that make up the Inferno Digital Decoration Collection. Perfect for projection mapping, Halloween parties, and in combination with other digital decorations, this Inferno burns with multiple intensities and colors.

Customer application images

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Contains the following scenes

Perpetual Flames

Duration: 00:02:42
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Inferno, Raging Inferno

Cyclical Flames

Duration: 00:01:31
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Inferno, Raging Inferno

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