Beware the Scarecrow – AtmosFX

Manufacturer AtmosFX Inc.
Language NonVerbal
Other languages n/A
Release date 2024
Duration 00:03:03
Resolution/Fileformat 1920×1080 / .mp4
Price $16
Price per minute $5.25
Number of scenes 2 Total
  • 2 Other
Alignment Horizontal
Available projection types Disc
Theme tags Halloween

Manufacturer description

Given the endless days the lonely Scarecrow stands guard in an isolated field – who could blame it for losing its mind? Of course, when it stands sentinel in your yard, it won’t be lonely for long, as trick-or-treaters gather to watch its unusual behavior. Display on walls, windows or TVs to create a Halloween spectacle, or create a truly mysterious illusion when projected on Hollusion Projection Material.

Customer application images

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Contains the following scenes

Fit to be Tied

Duration: 00:01:00
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Beware the Scarecrow, Legends of Halloween: The Scarecrow

If I Only Had a Brain

Duration: 00:02:03
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Beware the Scarecrow, Legends of Halloween: The Scarecrow

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