Volcano Island – Spectral Illusions

The view from the Tiki Bar Window! Featuring erupting volcano, flaming torches, night & day cycles, and a tropical rain storm. Also works for Pirate or Jungle themes.

Manufacturer spectral illusions
Language NonVerbal
Other languages n/A
Release date Unkown
Duration 00:10:47
Price $25
Price per minute $2.32
Number of scenes 1 Total
  • 1 Other
Available projection types
Theme tags Atmospheric

Manufacturer description

The view from the Tiki Bar Window! Featuring erupting volcano, flaming torches, night & day cycles, and a tropical rain storm. Also works for Pirate or Jungle themes.

Customer application images

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Contains the following scenes

Volcano Island

Duration: 00:10:47
Type of Scene: Other
Price: Can’t be purchased individually
Price per minute: n/A
Included in: Volcano Island

Related sets

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Price (total): $6
Price (per min): $2.17
Duration: 00:02:46

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Price (per min): $18.18
Duration: 00:00:33

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Zombie Graveyard
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Price (total): $7
Price (per min): $5.6
Duration: 00:01:15

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Save 10% with the code TIMOFISCHER¹

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from HallowFX

Price (total): $9.99
Price (per min): $n/A
Duration: n/A

If you don’t like spiders or rats, then best avoid as there’s lots of them in this digital decoration.


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